Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So I've started to take on the task of starting our baby registry. HOLY CRAP, I don't know what I'm doing. lol There are SOOOO many choices for every freakin item!!! lol There aren't just cribs. There are 4-in-1 cribs, but are they safe? Are they good quality? What color? What about a bassinet? Do I need one? Do I go with a theme? Have everything match? And if I do, should I get neutral stuff so I can possibly use it again if, Lord willing, we have another child? lol What about baby baths? They have the ones with a thermometer on them and a "rump bump" so the baby doesn't slide down. Will it fit in the sink? What about just a little inflatable pool? Stoller??? Have seen the sheer number of them?!?!?! Ridiculous. So this is my dilema. What do I need to register for? Someone help me! lol Just give me some hints. Point me in the right direction.

OH! By the way....update on Baby Knight. I'm 17, almost 18 weeks now. Baby is about 5 inches long and weighs almost 7 onces (according to babycenter.com). We go in less than 2 weeks for the sonogram to find out what it is. YAY! :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Ok so I'm just going about my day, feeding my facebook addiction, and BAM!!! My friends status says "a woman in indonesia had a 19.2 lb baby! that's just not right." So naturally, I look it up. lol This is what I see.

That is a 19.2 pound NEWBORN baby!!!! and the one on the left is an average size newborn. Now I must say that the mother had diabeties and alot of times when this happens the baby gets too much glucose making them larger than normal, BUT STILL....crazy. I just thought I would share my horror and amazment with everyone else. :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Looking back after a year...

I honestly can't believe that it has been 1 year since God took Anthony to be with Him. The first couple months were just shock, then the unsettling feeling of not having him around anymore and knowing that he wouldn't return, and now trying to figure out the task of moving forward. It's all very surreal. We've never lost anyone so close to us. We've never had a friend have to go through the pain of losing a husband, or a family lose a brother, son, uncle...We've never had to deal with emotions like this. What I do know, and have seen, is that God truly has His hands in ALL things. What seems tragic and horrible to us (and don't get me wrong....it SUCKS) God can, and has used to glorify Himself. He's shaped and is still shaping Kristi into an AMAZING woman of God. (She was before, but even more so now.) He's shown us that this life is not our own. We do not decide what happens. We have no say in how we think life should go. Our job is to follow the path that God has for us, and know that it is EXACTLY where He wants us to be. It's painful. It sucks. If I let it, it's angering. But what I've learned (and what we talked about in church yesterday) is to remember and be blessed by the times that we had with Anthony. To remember what God did that tragic September 22nd in putting His loving arms around us and letting us know that it was His will. And rather than mourning His death, to memorialize his life and the blessings that God brought us through that life and even his death. I wish Anthony could be here today to meet his "niece or nephew" :) but I know that his blessing in Heaven far exceed even our soon-to-be little blessing. lol

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sooo, Good News.....

1. Went to the Doc this morning, and baby has a really strong heart beat! Yay! :)
2. We go to get the sonogram in 2 weeks! (a long time to wait, but YAY!)
3. Drew got a call from Johns Hopkins the other day saying that they are moving him into the "next phase". I'm not totally sure what that means, but she said that they are going to send out tissue typing kits to Drew and I'm guess to the people who have shown interest in donating, and then I guess we go from there. It's VERY exciting to know that things are moving along, and that we have so many loving friends and family that are willing to get tested. I know that Drew feels truly blessed to have such great friends, as do I. :)

So I want to get some thoughts from everybody. We're still thinking up names. We've got alot of girl names, but the boy name list seems to come up short. Give us some ideas! :)

P.S. I think I've been saying this for 2 months now, but I'll put up baby bump pictues soon. lol

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Make it go away!!!

So I have been sick now for almost a week....I just want it to GO AWAY!!! lol And as much as I would LOVE to take Dayquil/Nyquil I'm not trying to give my baby fetal alcohol syndrome. The Z-Pack the doctor gave me doesn't seem to be helping and now I feel like I'm regressing. (I'm gonna hurt a kid if they gave me swine flu!!!) OH well....On a lighter note....We hopefully get to find out what our little nudger is next week!!! Yes, we want to find out. I'm not a big fan of surprises, and it would be great to know what kind of things (cute pink and brown stuff, or adorable blue and brown) to get or register for.
Update on baby Knight (or baby Blue and Drew calls it):
It is about the size of an avacado now (like 4 1/2 inches).
They say you can start to feel the baby kick anywhere form 16 to 20 weeks, so hopefully that will happen soon! :) I promise I will put pictures up of the baby bump. (Even though I don't like the pictures...)  That's all for now.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just to brag

So today has been one of those days were all I want to do is go sit at home in bed with something fatty and sugary to eat and watch some kinda of chick-flick to make me feel better. First thing this morning I get a "talking to" because the person wasn't informed of something. (even though they were working over the weekend which I was not aware of and didn't know that they needed to know what I was going to tell them today) Did you get all of that? :) ANYWAY....Needless to say, that did not make my day any better. Then "morning sickness" and pregnant ickyness (is that a word?) set in. THEN...Andrew, being the wonderful man he is, brought me this really sweet flower thing. :)
That made my day alot better. I still wish I was at home wallowing, but I guess I can make it a couple more hours. So if you see Drew, tell him he did a good job. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Some thoughts from a pregnant lady

Ok......So people say (and it's true) that your hormones are all out of whack when you're pregnant. This has become apparent to me the past couple months, but what's funny to me is, people think that ANY time I do something crazy, say something mean, cry, or laugh, it's because I'm pregnant. I'm still a the same person I was before I got pregnant. Only now there is a little one growing inside me. I don't think I am a mean person, but that doesn't mean that I don't get upset or have an opinion about things. I think people just ignore anything I say or do and brush it off as being the crazy, pregnant lady talking. haha.....Sometimes this is a good thing. I can get away with saying or doing things that I normally wouldn't. (Which I want to assure you I haven't taken advantage of....yet) But there are sometimes when I have something to say, and I want my point to come across and all I get is...."AWW....it's ok. You're pregnant. That's why you said that." NO!!! I said it because I meant it! hahahaha.....ok so maybe this is one of those moments that my hormones have taken over, but still... My point remains. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm crazy. That is all. Thank you. lol

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our first blog....aaawwwwww. :)

So here goes. We've never written a blog before. Well I, Danny, have never written one before, and since I'm the main one writing....we'll see what happens. :) This is the beginning of our journey into parenthood. And by "beginning" I mean 14 weeks cause it took me forever to pick a template for this blog. (hehe) I was inspired by a friend, who's awesome at blogging, to start a blog for our family.
I'm not sure where to begin, but Drew and I are very excited about our little bundle. :) Right now the baby is the size of a lemon (about 3 1/2 inches) and can squint, grimice, smile, and suck it's thumb. Crazy, right?!?! We're both trying to get used to the changes in our life. Trying to prepare to take care of a life is a tiny bit terrifying. I keep telling myself, women have been having babies for thousands of years. Most of which didn't have books, dvd's, and classes telling them how to prepare. They just did it, so I think we'll be ok. Today marks the beginning my the second trimester! What that means I'm not really sure, but I know I'm supossed to be feeling better, sleeping better, and hopefully my hormones will be a little bit more under control. LOL (seriously....ask Drew. I've been crazy) ANYWAYS....that's all I've got for today. Hopefully I did a good job at blogging. :)

The Knights