Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So most of you have heard the news. "She" is really a "He" and finding this out at 37 weeks kinda blew our minds. Not to mention the plethora of pink items that have overtaken our room. lol And it was totally by surprise that we even got the sonogram. We thought the nurse was making a funny (but not-so-funny) joke and when she just stared at us with a blank look on her face, we knew it was for real. We have been talking to our little boy like he was a little girl! (I really hope that doesn't scar him for life). Now, nothing is for sure till this little one comes out, but the nurse AND the doctor seemed extremely positive that it is, in fact, a boy. The doctor walked in and said, "So it looks like your daughter grew a penis!" lol....nice.
All I could do was laugh. Whether it was nervous laughter or laughter of sheer disbelief or just laughter of joy...I don't know. All three I guess, but for a good 5 minutes all Drew and I could was laugh. As the day went on, the more it sunk in that we are going to have a little boy. Now don't judge me for the next statement. After it sunk in, I was a litte dissapointed. NOT because it was a boy! It doesn't matter what comes out. I will love this baby SOOOOO much! But there was a little part of me that was sad for losing the idea of my little girl. Now before you say it, I know that it's not like I coudln't have a little girl further down the road, and I know that she wasn't even real. But it's the dreams and the ideas of that little girl that are hard to let go of. But now I look ahead to dreams and ideas of our little man! I never thought I could love something so much before even setting eyes on it. I can't imagine what it will feel like to see him and hold him for the first time. Amazing.
So now to the task of getting rid of pink and bringing in the blue and green. lol Although, nothing is going away until this baby comes out and we know for sure what it is. :) I've learned my lesson. Next time we're just gonna go for the surprise. Way less stress.
Here are the sonogram pictures.

This was at 21weeks when we thought it was a girl. 
And this is at 37 weeks.....BOY!

Technology is great, but it's not always right. LOL


  1. "I love technology... but not as much as I love you... but I still love technology... Always and forever" And Little man too! :0)

  2. Now we can look forward to pressuring our children to date and marry...and get those sure to be gorgeous grandbabies. :)

  3. WOW! Danny! Congratulations on the "he" (maybe?). I completely understand what you meant about being disappointed. Please don't feel bad for that, if you do. In your mind, you have connected with a baby girl... you've daydreamed, trying to wrap your mind around what it will be like... and it seems likely to need to grieve a little when that changed. I have no doubt that you will fall in love with your little boy. :) So excited for you!
